10 ways to keep your teeth healthy

10 Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy, Tips for a healthy & flashy smile

Do u know when should oral health care begin? As surprising as it might sound, as soon as the first tooth erupts. You should care for every part of the tooth, from the enamel, the mighty protector of your teeth to the core that provides support- gum and bone. This will ensure that you maintain good oral health which is not just specific to your teeth but in general oral and overall health. Want to learn some basic home care for your teeth and gums? Look no further. Read on to learn about 10 Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy


Are you tired of the humdrum dental hygiene routine? More than that twice-a-day brush, there is an entire world of oral care secrets waiting to be uncovered. Let the experienced doctors of Orthosquare guide you through this curated article to change the way you take care of your teeth, here are 10 Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy

1. Hidden Sugars: Your Sweet Enemy

Hidden Sugars
  • Sugar’s sinister role: Sugar may look like an innocent sweetener, but the truth is, it’s a silent saboteur of oral health. It attracts bacteria that causes cavities and leads to the production of acid. This acid cuts through your teeth’s enamel and leads to cavities and decay.
  • Surprising Sources: The sugar sources go from candies and sweet beverages to salad dressings, sauces, sports drinks, and even flavored coffee drinks.
  • If possible, cut sugary drinks and drink pure water and any other unsweetened drink, and after eating/drinking and gulping any sugary foods/drink, it’s advisable to always rinse your mouth with water

2. Fluoride Toothpaste: Ultimate importance to be given

Fluoride Toothpaste
  • Fluoride: Toothpaste containing fluoride is a must. It is a mineral that acts as a shield against tooth enamel and strengthens better to help our teeth fight cavities. 
  • So does that mean the more the better?: No, It should be a minimum of 1100 ppm for the age group 6 years and above and 500 ppm for the age group below 6 years.
  • Customized plan: No one size fits all, fluoride won’t help you if you have sensitivity or gum bleeding. For a personalized oral regimen, schedule your consultation or book an appointment now.

3. Flossing: Lesser known reasons that make Floss the superhero

how to Floss
  • Reaching the unreachable: Brushing will help clean the outside surfaces of your teeth very well, but without flossing, you cannot reach the plaque and bacteria between teeth.
  • Flossing is important for preventing gum diseases, bad breath, and prevention even the loss of teeth.

4. Hydrate: Tops today’s list on “10 Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy”

How water works for you: Besides quenching thirst, water is an essential part of good oral health.


Here are some benefits of drinking water:

  • Freshens breath: Water rids particles from food and different bacteria, therefore, rids bad breath.
  • Keeps the mouth clean: Saliva has cleaning agents, and drinking water can prevent the mouth from getting dry.
  • Can help reinforce the teeth: Saliva can contain natural minerals, including calcium, to possibly work at reinforcement.
  • Rinses away leftovers of food: Water washes away the food trapped among the teeth.

5. Eat, smile, Repeat: Here is why this made to our “10 Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy”

The concept of how you look is dependable on what you consume and is also true for dental health. Here are the importance of diet and oral health

  • Say yes to Enriched Foods: Good fats or unsaturated fat, vitamins, minerals, and proteins from fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean meat can not only help improve overall health but also oral health.
  • Say Cheese: Cheese helps protect teeth from decay. Cheese acts as a barrier on the teeth, offsetting the acids produced by the bacteria.

6. Early Treatment

  • Easier to fix: A small dental problem is usually easier to manage than a larger one. If any conditions, or oral symptoms, are different than your atypical healthier state, immediately make an appointment to see your dentist.
  • Watch for: Red, swollen gums, gums that bleed, bad breath, or a toothache upon chewing.

7. Creating a Daily Regimen for Oral Hygiene

  • Why consistency is the name of the game: Best oral health is most efficiently obtained in a multi-modal approach, but the cornerstone of that is developing and keeping good daily oral hygiene.

    How to do it:

  1. Reminders: Put on your smartphone or your at-home physical calendar when you are going to brush and floss.
  2. Use visual cues: Brushing at night is equally important as your morning routine. Place your brush/paste in a place where they can be seen easily. This will help keep your routine in mind.
  3. Involve others: Ask your family members to join you in maintaining good oral hygiene.

8. Protect Your Teeth

Besides protecting your teeth from harmful bacteria and cavities, they have other types of safeguards required if you are an athlete or a sportsperson:

  • Mouthguards: Reduces the odds of chipped/broken teeth or teeth being avulsed..

9. Regular Checkups

  • Basic care: Receiving scheduled dental exams and routine cleanings serves as the foundation to keep your oral health in the best condition possible.
  • Benefits of professional care: Your dentist can see the red flags way before you, and cure the early signs and symptoms of the problem, thus stopping it from building up or landing up in an emergency.

10. Standard recommended frequency

The Indian Dental Association recommends at least two dental check-ups per year. If you are due for your appointment, book your appointment with the expert dentists at Orthosquare

Now that you have explored our exclusive “10 ways to keep your teeth healthy”, let us discover the reasons why you should keep your teeth healthy.

Here are some good reasons why you should keep your teeth healthy:

  • Keeps dental problems away: From cavities to potential loss of teeth can be prevented with a regular dental regime and scheduled visits to the dentist. 
  • Two-way traffic: Oral health goes hand in hand with your general health. In many studies and research articles, poor oral health has been linked to various systemic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and even respiratory infections.
  • Boosts self-esteem: Quite often, there is confidence backing a healthy smile in an individual.
  • Improved mortality: A healthy mouth will let you eat, speak, and smile without pain or discomfort.

Remember, taking care of your teeth is a strong investment in your future well-being. That is why it becomes essential to have professional dentists who care and give tips personalized to you. Book your appointment now and feel the Orthosquare difference


By supplementing the following measures in your current daily schedule, you will secure much better oral health for yourself and can flash healthy, beautiful smiles lifelong.

About Author

Dr. Chandni

B.D.S and M.D.S graduate


Dr. Chandni MD Rafee, a distinguished B.D.S and M.D.S graduate, is a gold medalist from RGUHS. With a strong clinical and academic background, she has authored a book and has several publications to her name. Dr. Chandni specializes in periodontology and implantology, thereby providing the highest possible care so that her patients can have optimal health.

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