How can braces fix asymmetrical face is discovered in the blog. When a face is not proportional or similar on both the sides of face. An interesting fact is nobody has an ideal face except the Greek god Apollo Belvedere. Our faces are not the same on both sides, the right is slightly larger than the left however it is not easily noticed by the naked eye. But sometimes because of multiple factors, this proportion is extreme and results in facial symmetry which is easily identifiable to the naked eye.
Most patients seek treatment for facial asymmetry only for aesthetic purposes however it is very important to rule out the cause of underlying facial asymmetry as it might affect the normal functions of the oral cavity.
Is facial asymmetry normal?
Is it absolutely normal for an individual with facial asymmetry. However, when it affects the normal functions of the individual it can not be considered as normal and most of the patients are not aware of this. They seek treatment only for their appearance (aesthetic).
How facial asymmetry affects functions of oral cavity

Various functions of Oral cavity include chewing, speech, swallowing, and respiratory. All these functions are directly and indirectly affected by facial asymmetry.
Deviation of jaw causes difficulty in chewing.
A deviated jaw causes abnormal speech due to improper contact of tongue and teeth (normal contact of tongue and teeth helps in speech production.
Deviation can result into breathing problems as it affects the size of always (from where air is inspired and exhaled inside and outside the oral cavity).
What are the factors?
Genetically originated facial asymmetry occurs from birth and progresses as an individual grows. Various malocclusions, such as Class III malocclusion, are most commonly associated with facial asymmetry.
During growth, accidents like falls or forceps injuries, during birth might accelerate or hinder bone growth, resulting in asymmetry. Other factors such as smoking, sleeping position are considered as contributing factors for facial asymmetry.
Types of Facial Asymmetry
Scientific classification of facial asymmetry is a bit difficult to understand for non-medical people. So, let’s understand the type in a very simple way. It can occur in vertical directions (from head to toe), horizontal directions (side to side) and a combination of these two types of facial asymmetry.
Various types of radiographs are used to assess facial asymmetry; however, the most commonly advised radiograph is the Postero anterior cephalogram.
Other diagnostic aids that help in the assessment of facial asymmetry include photographic analysis and bone scans.
Another way to assess facial asymmetry is sequential radiograph of the face at particular interval will give us clear idea about abnormal growth.
Treatment options to correction of facial asymmetry
If determined at an early age:
Facial asymmetry can be controlled at early age with various growth-modifying appliances. These appliances help in controlling excess growth.
If detected at a late stage:
When the growth of the individual is completed and growth modification can not be done only option left is surgical procedure. In this process excessive portion of bone is either trimmed, shaved of removed.
Role of braces in facial asymmetry
Surgical procedure and braces treatment alone cannot correct facial asymmetry. The arrangement of teeth is dependent on bone and vice-versa, so when there is a change in bone position the teeth will get affected and it will be corrected using braces. braces are first used to correct the position of teeth in their predetermined position and then surgery is performed.
Can surgery be performed first and then braces placed?
Yes, but it depends on the severity of the condition and the malocclusion. Condition where teeth are not in normal condition correction requires braces to correct them and then surgery is performed. And condition where their teeth are in good condition where surgery can be performed first and then braces can be fixed.
How much time it takes to braces made my face asymmetrical?
It is a multiphase treatment modality where pre surgical Orthodontics require 8-12 months, followed by surgical phase and 4-6 months of post-surgical phase. However, it depends upon case to case or severity of facial asymmetry. Usually, it takes 18 -24 months.
Who corrects facial asymmetry?
It’s a team work carried out by specialist including radiologist, Orthodontist and anaesthesiologist and oral surgeon. Radiologist help in diagnosis and treatment planning. Orthodontist plays a vital role from the beginning till the surgery. And oral surgeon along with anaesthesiologist perform the surgery. An orthodontist is a specialist trained to diagnose and create a treatment plan.
Take-home message
It is wisely said that Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder, every individual look good as they are created by God. But whenever there is a misbalance in proportion it should be addressed in this case Facial asymmetry. Facial asymmetry can be controlled if detected at an early stage and can only be corrected surgically when noticed at a later stage of life. In this article we have discussed can braces fix asymmetrical face and Orthosquare multispecialty dental clinic can be a best place for the braces treatment.
asymmetrical face before braces Pre Treatment

asymmetrical face after braces, Post Treatment

Photograph reference: –
Jung SK, Kim TW. Treatment of unilateral posterior crossbite with facial asymmetry in a female patient with transverse discrepancy. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. 2015 Jul 1;148(1):154-64.